In esotericism and in magic many ideas are shared as they being true, but don’t, and they no pass by sieve, by a in-depth analysis. Esoterists and persons that call themselves wizards they make the mistake of propagating information without regard for logic.
And this occurs in tha case of the planetaries regencies and the days of week. Many persons believe that the format, usually propagated that it is right, however, as will be showing throughout this text, will be proven that the current idea, so propagated, it’s totally wrong and much more, but much far from correct order, which is cosmic .
And this has a very important implication and relevant. As the wrong regency is take as true, all esoterists and magicians that study and practice are supported on fake basis.
The wrong cosmic order
The wrong cosmic order, usually used is:
- SUN: Sunday
- MOON: Monday
- MARS: Tuesday
- MERCURY: Wednesday
- JUPITER: Thursday
- VENUS: Friday
- SATURN: Saturday
This mistaken order it was a adulteration. Throughout the study will be shown as this adulteration was built. The only information that is correct is Saturn which corresponding in to Saturday, the others elements are there not correspondence each other.
The true cosmic order
The first to be understand is that any cosmic order must be made from Earth beacause it is the referential. Everything must to have a referential. The well only exist because is there the evil. The well and the evil are referentials each other. If we are in Mars the referential would must to be Mars!
However, no matter where you are, the CENTER OF SOLAR SYSTEM is the Sun. In magic science and inside of esotericism, the Sun, is our king star, is take like conciliator element. It concilies, by example, the love of Venus and the force of Mars.
Magic symbols, as the famous seven-pointed star brings the Sun in median place, representing this condition. The illustration in sequence show this idea.
The illustration show the pairs-opposites, are they: Mars and Venus (above); Jupiter and Mercury (in middle) and Saturn and Moon (bottom). In top, conciliating the opposites is the Sun.
Then, by logical, our King star must take place, in week’s regency in the same point that it takes in seven-pointed star, or be, in central day of week.
For many persons this can appear a complete absurd, but the absurd aparent it will proven throughout this text and we will demonstrate as the current regency, usually aplicated, it was changed on purpose, with basis in mathematical precepts, this very intelligent.
As the sunday it’s the first day of week, and the saturday it’s the last, the central day is wednesday. So, we have: SUN, WEDNESDAY.
In this format the Sun being the center, keep its central location in week on the day of wednesday.
Following this study, a didactic way for better comprehension is to find the extremes. We let’s start from the following idea: The life and the death.
Is not necessary to prove that the life it’s associated Moon and the death it’s Saturn. The Moon has influence about the gestation and Saturn about the death.
Done those elucidation, is not difficult understand that the begin from life has Moon’s regency and the end of it is regency by Saturn. Bringing this same idea for the regencies of days of week, the first day it has relation with the first regency from our life, or be, the Moon. The last day of week corresponds to last period of our life. This is the application of Law of Correspondence. Futhermore, is there the Law of Return which say that the extremes touch each other.
Thus, applying everything this it’s easy understand that the first day of week, or be, the sunday, it has corresponds to the Moon and the last day of week corresponds to the Saturn. And this way, and only this mode, the extremes touch each other. In regency currently used, which it is wrong, uhe extremes don’t touch, that is, Moon and Saturn they are not extremes, only Saturn touch the Sun.
Until then, we have:
- MOON: Sunday
- SUN: Wednesday
- SATURN: Saturday
If we use a few of imagination it’s possible build a cosmic balance which it must to be in perfect equilibrium. In extremes are Moon and Saturn and in to the center, equilibrating the cosmic order, the Sun.
We know that Venus and Mars must to permanance in equilibrium, the same to Mercury and Jupiter. Thus, in relation the Sun, these pairs-opposites must to be equidistants. Still we need to know where position them.
Before, however, we must understand that there are, in this cosmic order, 3 planets male and 3 female, and the Sun has the fucntion, more one time, of conciliator. Like is a perfect equilibrium, before the Sun we have the female’s planets, because the Moon is the first planet and, by consequence, the male’s planets must to be after the Sun, because Saturn is the end planet.
Are female the planets (planets of point by view esoteric): Moon, Mercury and Venus.
Are male the planets: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.
Therefore, monday and tuesday they must corresponds only to Mercury and Venus. The order usually used put Mars on tuesday, an error!
And thursday and friday only must corresponds to Mars and Jupiter. The order usually used put Venus on friday, an error!
For whom know magic squares is known that over of the general symmetry, there is a local symmetry, so to speak. In others words, the part it must to be in equilibrium too.
Starting with the analysis of feamle’s planets, which are Moon, Mercury and Venus, the one that most “resembles” the Moon, the beautiful and inspiring Moon, is Venus and this is the key, that is, to seek always the equilibrium.
In this sense, the Moon and the Venus, as are elements of emotion, they must to be in opposition each other, and Mercury, to center, it manages equilibrate Moon and Venus, simultaneously. Mercury must touch, in to the same time with Monn and Venus, beacuse Mercury it’s the razion inside of this 3 female elements. So, Moon-Mercury is a pair in equilibrium and Mercury-Venus is other pair, in equilibrium too. Then, in this way, Mercury get the equilibrium mutually and simultaneously for Moon and Venus. For that Mercury must be betwen Moon and Venus and, by consequence, Venus must come after Mercury.
Therefore, we have that Mercury it has regency on monday and Venus on tuesday.
Until then, we have:
- MOON: Sunday
- MERCURY: Monday
- TUESDAY: Venus
- SUN: Wednesday
- SATURN: Saturday
Now stayed easy. We can apply two analyses. The most direct is apply the idea of pairs-opposites. Opposite Mercury and equidistant from Sun must be Jupiter. The same thinking must be applicated betwen Venus and Mars.
A second analyses is descovery what planet Saturn more ressembles, if Mars or, if Jupiter. Obviously which is Mars and this put Jupiter in to the center, betwen Mars and Saturn and equlibrates these simultaneously. Thus, our Cosmic Order results in:
- MOON: Sunday
- MERCURY: Monday
- TUESDAY: Venus
- SUN: Wednesday
- MARS: Thursday
- JUPITER: Friday
- SATURN: Saturday
Although this can seem strange for many people, it is the legitimate and true Cosmic Order. A simple look at seven-pointed star would solve every this problem.
If we “open” the seven-pointed star leting it in line, we will see that the order that results, from right to left, same order of read in hebrew, is: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, that is, tha same ordem that was show in this text.
How was the adulteration done?
Starting from Cosmic Order correct, will be attributed a crescent value for each day.
- Sunday: Moon, number 1
- Monday: Mercury, number 2
- Tuesday: Venus, number 3
- Wednesday: Sun, number 4
- Thursday: Mars, number 5
- Friday: Jupiter, number 6
- Saturday: Saturn, number 7
Then. From information above it’s possible get the wrong order, here’s how:
The Moon has value 1 and this move it one day ahead, this results which the Moon relapses on monday, fact that coincides with the order commonly used, which, as already said, is wrong.
Mercury is associated in to 2. If move it of 2 days ahead, Mercury will relapses on wednesday, what coincides with the current order used of wrong way.
Venus is associated to number 3. Moving Venus to 3 days ahead it will relapses on friday, corresponding with the current order.
In case of Sun, doing the same procedure, starting from number 4, it will relapses in sunday.
Mars, with its number 5, when moved ahead, it will relapses on tuesday, day corresponding to the commonly used order.
Jupiter and its number 6, when it is moved becomes associated with thursday.
The only that is maintained is Saturn and its number 7.
This ingenious way of welch the esoterists and magicians occurred around the year 300 of the Christian Era. The idea was hide of non-initiated and resulted by deceive it too.
Hope it’s useful!